
George Wong, CPA
8800 Connecticut Ave
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
tel: 301-718-6160
fax: 877-325-3228




審计    税务    会计    商业


选择理想會計師而烦恼吗? 选择五專,保证利多!

美東地區最具實戰經驗的華人註冊會計師,20餘年會計審計及美國500強公司經驗经手多起美国著名審計案件及稅務申訴交涉案件, 爲客户创造大量利益和财富

會計審計税法税務, 爲客户精打细算,精益求精

業智慧, 門经验,家能力,提供最最有价值的服务


電話:  (301) 718-1883

傳真:  (301) 718-2669

手機:  (301) 379-8686

会计财务:      财表编制, 審计, CPA公证, 会计税务原理咨询, 员工薪资

商业法律:      公司设立, 生意买卖, 价值评估, 酒牌,商牌, 商业纠纷,法庭见证

税法税务:      税务设计,申报,修改, 税局交涉, 陈情申诉及税务补救

财富管理:      提供省税投资法,实现增值免税,合法累积创业资金

企业兼并:      针对美国及国际经济变化,配合兼并买卖, 创造最大财富


I am a Certified Public Accountant in several states and with Audits/Accounting/Consulting experiences in the areas as follows:

Audit Review
I have reviewed many audit work papers including but not limited to the Coopers and Lybrant, Pricewaterhouse, and Arthur Andersen of many businesses including blue chip companies in the United States

Audit Teaching
I have taught Financial Statements Audits, Compliance Audits, Internal Control Audits, Cost Accounting, and Managerial Accounting at many institutes including but not limited to Institute at University of Maryland, University of Management & Technology, and San Francisco State University

Financial Statements and Compliance Audit
I have been Audit Manager, Auditor In Charge, and Team Leader of Audit Teams in many terms. My audits experience includes but not limited to auditing government contractors, government subsided entities, government regulated entities, non-profit organizations, high-tech and R&D projects audits, tax audits, fixed price audits, cost type audits, time and material audits, project audits, and construction audits. My advanced educational background in computer, mathematics, business laws, and finance helped me to build a very strong foundation for my accounting and audits work.

I am a member of the AICPA, and hold a master degree in Business Administration and in Accounting from San Francisco State University, and hold a degree in law from Taiwan Chung Hsing University.

8800 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 100, Chevy Chase, MD 20815